Everybody knows how to take a snap, but how do you take a good picture that is interesting to more than just family and friends?
Snappers focus their attention on the subject and don’t take too much notice of what’s behind it. That’s why you’ll see thousands of family photos of cute expression surrounded by a messy, distracting backgrounds.
Photographers, however, keep a very sharp eye on the background in every picture they take. They know that a distracting background will absolutely ruin what could have been a Good Picture.
Taking Control of the Background
Small changes in position can dramatically affect the background: A few steps to the right or left, moving forwards or backwards, using a zoom lens to crop, holding the camera higher or lower is all that it takes.
Here’s a snap with a messy background.
Moving a few steps to the right cleans up the background.
Appropriate backgrounds
Here the background enhances the picture by showing the shopkeeper in his environment.
Even in fast-changing situations good photographers will be trying to move position to include the best background possible in the circumstances. The background is King and must be given all the respect it deserves.
Zooming the Background
Another way to control the background is by increasing your distance and cropping. This also creates clean, artistically blurred backgrounds. See how to Zoom the Background here …
Choose your next B.A.S.I.C step to taking good pictures:
Backgrounds, Awareness, Story, Imagination, Critique